Welcome to the 2018 Winter Quarter!

Welcome back to campus!  We hope your break has been enjoyable, fun, relaxing, and energizing.  As you prepare to return to campus and resume classes for the 2018 Winter (18W) quarter, there are a couple helpful items to keep in mind.

1. If you were not able to add all the classes you wish to take in 18W, you might still be able to add the class.  YOU SHOULD START ATTENDING ALL CLASSES YOU WISH TO ADD IN 18W!  If a seat opens up by the end of Week 2 of the quarter, you can register for the class through R'Web.  The Week 2 deadline to add/drop classes through R'Web is Friday, January 19th.

2. If seats in your desired classes have not opened up by Friday, January 19th, you have one more week in which to attempt to add the class.

The process to request to add a class during Week 3 of the quarter (January 22-26) is to print out an Enrollment Adjustment Form (EAF) at myforms.ucr.edu.  Select the Undergraduate Enrollment Adjustment Form, fill it out online completely, then print the completed form.  Be sure to submit it online as well.  Ask the instructor (or CNAS Enrollment Management Center for CNAS classes) to sign the form during Week 3.

Drop off the signed EAF at the CNAS UAAC (1223 Pierce Hall) NO LATER THAN NOON ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 26TH.  Late submissions will not be accepted.  

If you are approved to add the class, CNAS will approve the online form and the Registrar's Office will then enroll you in the class.

3. We are happy to have Johanna Navarrete back from maternity leave.  She will be taking a case load of undeclared students, so some of you may notice that you have a different undeclared advisor starting next week.  Keep in mind that your new advisor will have access to notes and records, so you will be able to "pick up where you left off" with your new advisor.  You can view your advisor in your student profile in R'Web.

We look forward to a wonderful 18W quarter!
Katie, Liz, Kia, Johanna, and Denise