We hope you are doing well and preparing thoroughly for final exams!
The deadline passed in Week 8 to withdraw from individual classes. If you feel you need to withdraw from classes, your last opportunity is Friday of Week 10 (tomorrow), by 4 pm to withdraw from the entire spring 2022 term.
Please keep in mind the following:
1. There are resources to help students successfully finish their courses, such as instructor office hours, ARC tutoring, special study sessions, etc.
2. If you feel that even with extra support, you are not going to pass some or all of your spring 2022 classes, you have the opportunity to withdraw from the entire term (ALL of your spring 2022 classes) by the deadline of this Friday at 4 pm, June 3rd.
3. Withdrawing from the term means that you will not earn grades of units for any of your classes this term. Instead, you will have "W"s on your transcript showing that you withdrew from those classes.
4. If you're not sure how a term withdraw could affect your financial aid, please contact the financial aid office to inquire.
5. To start the withdraw process, you must immediately reach out to your academic advisor and notify them you wish to withdraw from the term. You can attend Express Advising (see myadvising.ucr.edu for availability) or email them directly.
6. Withdraw requests received after 4 pm on Friday, June 3rd, will not be approved.
Thank you, and we wish you the best as the spring 2022 term comes to a close!
Katie, Liz, Kia, and Johanna