Have questions about study skills, general advising, term plans? Peer Advisors are available to assist!
- Peer Advising drop-in hours are offered Monday-Friday 1-2pm.
- No appointment is required, and the Zoom information is Zoom ID: 986 8491 5521 Password: 283510.
- PAs can assist with general advising questions, questions regarding submitting term plans, LC related questions, and study skills tips.
If you are a current learning community student (and have not dropped the CNAS learning community or been dropped due to not passing a required class), please see information about this opportunity:
Information Sessions:
- Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 12pm http://bit.ly/RISEone2021
- Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 5pm http://bit.ly/RISEtwo2021
- Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 12pm http://bit.ly/RISEthree2021
- Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 5pm http://bit.ly/RISEfour2021
applications for LC students are due Friday, April 2. RSVP for Zoom link.
Workshops limited to first 25. Students unable to attend a RISE workshop above
should reach out to cnasscholars@ucr.edu
to discuss a make-up option.