Welcome to Finals Week!
You've made it through the 2020 Fall quarter, and now it's time to put all that knowledge to use!
As you prepare for finals, remember the following:
1. Don't skip proper rest, sleep, exercise, and meals. Even if skipping these activities seems like a good idea to give you more time to study, this can actually work against you because you won't be as physically and mentally rested and alert to do your best.
2. Take breaks between studying for your exams so your brain has time to absorb the information.
3. Get fresh air, walk the dog, have healthy snacks readily available, and make sure you have all supplies needed for the exams themselves so you're not panicking at the last minute.
4. Set a schedule and reminders for your exams; develop a plan for when and how you will review the material and study for them.
1. Advisors are available through next week (December 18th).
2. To schedule an advising appointment see myadvising.ucr.edu.
3. Only schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor!
Thanks, and we wish you the best on your final exams!
Katie, Liz, Kia, Johanna, and Denise