We wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! We've all experienced challenges this year in various ways and to varying degrees. However, I believe we can all reflect on some things, no matter how small, to be thankful for. We care about you and encourage you to do all you can to be safe and healthy this holiday season! Katie, Liz, Kia, Johanna, and Denise
WEEK 8 Deadline to Withdraw from Classes (for the 2020 Fall quarter):
1. The deadline to withdraw is Monday, November 30th (see details below):
2. To withdraw from a 2020 Fall class, please access myforms.ucr.edu to submit the EAF (enrollment adjustment form).3. Your withdraw does not need to be approved and processed by the deadline, but you MUST submit your EAF by the deadline.
4. The system will not allow late EAFs to be submitted, so make sure you submit your EAF withdraw request on time.
5. If you have questions about how this action might affect your financial aid, please contact the financial aid office for assistance.