Welcome Highlanders!
We welcome the class of 2024, and we're looking forward to welcoming back our continuing students next month for the fall quarter!
Below, please see a few relevant pieces of information (see the UCR Academic Calendar):
1. New incoming Freshmen:
a. You can adjust your fall schedule through Friday of this week (August 21st)
b. If you are in a learning community, you cannot drop any learning community courses (MATH, CHEM, ARC 073, NASC 093, etc.)
c. If you were missing your MATH placement when you attended Orientation, please email your advisor once you have received your official MATH placement.
d. If you were missing your ENGL placement, please be sure to enroll in the appropriate ENGL class once you take the AWPE.
2. All students (incoming Freshmen and continuing students):
a. On September 10th, 2nd pass enrollment will start opening at 9 am
b. At that time, the 17 unit load will be lifted, increasing to the 20 unit max.
3. Contacting your Advisor:
a. In summer, the best way to reach your advisor is to email them (firstname.lastname@ucr.edu).
If your question would be best addressed through a Zoom appointment, your advisor will assist you with setting up the appointment.
b. Starting on October 1st, students can schedule a Zoom video appointment with their advisor if needed (availability will be viewable at myadvising.ucr.edu).
Have a wonderful, productive summer. We wish you good physical, mental, and emotional health.
Katie, Liz, Kia, Johanna, and Denise