By now, we all have heard the importance of thoroughly washing our hands and staying at home to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. The situation may be producing feelings of being overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, disappointed, and a multitude of other feelings.
This spring quarter looks different from other quarters in the past, for all of us. We've listed a few items below that we think are current and helpful, keeping in mind that things may change.
1. Academic Advising: The CNAS Undergraduate Advising Center (UAAC) is open remotely and operating during our normal working hours. If you have a simple question, we recommend emailing your advisor for assistance. If you have a longer/more complex question, please email your advisor to request a Zoom appointment. Your advisor will let you know available days and times to "meet". We are advisors because we love meeting with students and helping you successfully meet their academic and career goals, so please don't feel like you're bothering us; we're here for you!
2. Class Format: Your 2020 Spring classes will be online for the whole quarter. More information from UCR will follow if changes will be made to the format of summer classes at UCR.
3. Communication: You have likely been receiving many emails, which is a primary way your advisors and the UCR campus have to communicate with you. Be sure to check your R'Mail every day. Information has been sent out about what's open and closed on campus, living on and off campus, financial aid, receiving loaner laptops if needed to help navigate the online classes this quarter, and other important information.
4. Waitlisted classes: If you are waitlisted for classes this quarter, usually you would start attending classes, hoping to be able to add the class by Week 3. Since classes are online, we recommend that you email the instructor of the classes you're waitlisted for or hoping to add, and ask them if they can add you to the class.
5. Week 1: As usual, the first week of classes is designed to distribute the syllabus, review basic information, etc. Please have patience with yourself, and your instructors and classmates; we're all navigating this new process together.
6. UCR Extension: If you are not approved to register for classes at UCR (due to exceeding the undeclared unit limit, being disqualified from UCR, etc.), you can consider taking your classes through UCR Extension (the GPAs earned will be counted in your UCR GPA). Please see the UCR Extension link to see how to contact UCR Extension. We also recommend that you take classes for the UCR Summer Session to raise your GPA and apply to readmit.
7. Physical and mental wellbeing: We encourage you to take regular breaks, enjoy stress-reducing hobbies, and prioritize connection with those in your home, and with other friends and relatives through phone calls, texts, and Zoom/Skype/FaceTime video calls. Try to get some fresh air and moderate exercise every day (it stays light till 7 pm now!). Give extra attention to the furry/fluffy friends in your home. You don't have to worry about walking or driving to class this quarter, so that will provide some extra time for you to adjust, study, and help others through this challenging time.
Very best,
Katie, Liz, Kia, Johanna, and Denise