Hello to our CNAS undeclared students!
We wanted to update you on how you can access advising services during this time, as we have been mandated to reduce all in-person contact. Please read through the tips below and feel free to contact your academic advisor for assistance.
1. Your advisors are working and available. However, rather than being available in person, we are all working from off campus and will be using additional formats to assist you.
2. As always, you can email your advisor. This will be especially helpful if you have short questions.
3. Appointments are also available. Although they won't be posted on myadvising.ucr.edu like they usually are, please email your advisor if you would like to make an appointment. The appointments will be held using Zoom, and you can choose either audio only (like a phone call) or you can choose video, in which you and your advisor can talk "face to face". We recommend using earphones if you will be in area with a lot of background noise.
4. If you have experienced academic difficulty due to the disruption (classes or finals may have been cancelled, postponed, changed, etc.), please reach out to your advisor to discuss your options. Our goal is to help you understand the next steps you could take, including some options you might not be aware of.
5. If you are contacting any departments on campus, we recommend emailing them, as this may yield the best results since they are also likely working remotely.
6. Please READ ALL EMAILS from the UCR Chancellor, Provost, and others who are providing important information as the situation develops!
7. If you are ready to declare a major, please email the advisor of the major you wish to declare. For example, if I'm an undeclared student who is ready (and meets eligibility) to declare BIOL, and my last name starts with N, I should email Nakita Lea, as she is the BIOL advisor for students with last names L-N. To check the major change information, please see the CNAS majors page.
8. If you are having difficulty enrolling in a CNAS class, please email the CNAS EMC (enrollment management center) for assistance. Each EMC staff member assists with specific classes, so be sure to find the appropriate point of contact related to the course you wish to enroll in, by viewing this link.
We appreciate your patience as we develop our online/remote advising capabilities to ensure we continue to provide you with advising during this unusual time!
Stay safe and healthy, take the precautions recommended by health officials, and minimize unnecessary risks and interaction. We look forward to being available in person again once we've been notified it's safe for all of us to do so.
Katie, Liz, Kia, Johanna, and Denise