Welcome to Week 10 of the 19F quarter. We hope that you will finish strong and be proud of your accomplishment (Week 10 and Finals Week)!
Things to Know:
Things to Know:
- If you feel that you aren't doing well in your classes, we recommend that you:
- Meet with your instructor/s to determine if you can still pass your classes and what grade on the final you will need to pass your class
- Understand that if you come in to withdraw, you will not earn any units or grades for this quarter; "W"s will show on your transcript instead of grades
- In general, it's better to have "W"s on your transcript than to have failing grades
- A "W" for a quarter should not impact your ability to work toward grad school/health professions; the issue arises if there is a pattern of withdrawing from individual classes or quarters
- How to withdraw from this quarter:
- Visit the CNAS advising center (1223 Pierce Hall), and let the person at the front desk know that you're here to withdraw from this current quarter (19F)
- The deadline to come in to meet with us is Friday, December 6th, at 3:45 pm (earlier is better)
- You don't need to make an appointment or look for availability; simply come in during the open hours of the advising center and you will be signed in to meet with an available College Advisor who can assist you
- We recommend that if you receive financial aid, you contact the Financial Aid office prior to meeting with us to address any questions you may have about how a quarter withdraw might affect you financially
- If you do not have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, you might not be approved to automatically readmit for the 20W quarter; this will be discussed with you when you come in to withdraw
- If you have other questions, please feel free to contact your advisor for assistance